Light Bridges Gap Between Dark Matter and Visible Creation
"radiation transmits inertia between emitting and absorbing bodies"
Albert Einstein
"The equation E=mc^2 connects intangibility and tangibility and by making them equivalent, joins them as one. Energy and mass are different and it is the speed of light that brings them together."
Einstein 1905 The Standard of Excellence John S. Rigden
Rather than saying that the speed of light is constant, though it is generally so, it is more accurate to say that the speed of light is the speed limit for the universe.
In fact, nothing is permitted to go even that fast, except light itself. If time and gravity, as I have said, are how we feel the pre-time force which is the luminiferous ether (that Faraday and Maxwell quite properly believed exists), then light is that matter with the least mass. It is quite possibly the direct precursor to the smallest quantum level particle destined to become subatomic particles, then atoms, then more complex structures.
A local disturbance in the space/time fabric, the mother field, which is also the ether, creates an exciter or matter of the most exquisite and ephemeral quality, which is the catalyst to lighten and warm the material creation.
Light is permitted to make waves, so to speak. God grants light the ability to move through the ether without any force of its own. Light is moving inertial energy. The packet of light, which physicists call the photon, is born with the wave to be seen even a million million miles away.
Light's movement is carried along by the time wind or time stream in which it moves at its appointed speed, bearing light to lighten the darkness.
Light is answerable to the Creator. It is minimally influenced by the material creation, though a beam of light is bent by gravity, and of course, light may be absorbed, reflected or refracted.
Bear in mind that I am talking about light, which is just a very small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Some forms of the electromagnetic spectrum are more penetrative and pass through dense material rather than being reflected or even absorbed.
When it comes to electrical fields and magnetic fields, we have Maxwell's equations which state how these fields must behave. But light appears to more directly answerable to the Creator. We know its speed limit, and we know from the study of optics the reflective and refractive properties of light.
But when we begin to look at its wave characteristics--such as in the famous two slit experiment--we may actually be looking more at the what light permits us to see about the space time field in which it operates than about light itself.
If you dropped a pebble in a pond, you create a local disturbance. But what is most interesting are the waves that go out in concentric circles. They are a beautiful sight to behold.
Heat is the most frequent "creator of light." High heat and combustion send light in all directions, undoubtedly both as waves and packets of energy. High heat on the sun sends out electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, and that light travels 8 minutes through the supposed vacuum of space, bearing light which then warms and lights the surface of the earth.
Spiritual light is the regulating medium for the ether. Spiritual light is of Heavenly origin and it from God. Just as light in the material realm lightens and warms the creation, spiritual light does the same and more so in the spiritual realm.
The ether is regulated by commands and instructions from God. The orders of God contain vast incomprehensible amounts of understanding, design and encompass past and future. His orders are perfect and such orders bring into existence a perfect order.
It is for this reason that the future is foreknown--because His Divine commands contain all wisdom. Perfection in our realm is in detail, complexity, and in completion. Everything tends and moves toward an end or conclusion which is already encompassed and enfolded in the initial willed action. God's perfect directives are perfect in detail, in effect, and also encompass past, present and future. They originate in the timeless realm. As such, logic dictates that their perfection would be so in past present and future, from beginning to end.
When God expresses His will to bring into being what He wants, His orders contain the paradigm and all organizing instructions to create, cause to grow and develop, and move toward its end. The preordained substance or events--which God foreknows and speaks into beginning to pass--also contain the necessary information and energy to gather, collate, and organize substance in the material real, as well as provision for the energy to carry out the birth and development of His intended consequence.
In other words, everything is there from the beginning. It is there in shape and design, and it is foreknown and foreshadowed what it will be.
In every part the whole. Every cell contains the pattern for the entire oak tree. It is thus that the present foreshadows the future, the past the present. We see this in operation in those special magic moments when we observe that "the boy is father to the man," and the girl to the woman.
It may be that light contains encoded information for growth and creation that we do not know of. Light is itself an exciter, which brings to life the seed and whose warmth nurtures and sustains the seedling. The plant is dependent on light, which it incorporates into itself and in the process of photosynthesis makes food.
The plant is a light created and light dependent organism. Similarly, we humans are also created and sustained by spiritual light from God. Earthly light permits our eyes to see. Spiritual light permits our mind to see and understand.
Warmth, growth, colors, and beauty are all associated with light in the material creation. Light is a created thing, created by God for His good purposes. Light reminds us that He created all things out of nothing. Light springs into existence seemingly from nowhere. Strike a match and light immediate bursts forth and radiates in all directions at 2.998 x 10^8 meters per second.
No other matter can do this. Other phenomena in the electromagnetic spectrum (such as radio waves, microwaves, x rays and so on) immediate propagate at light speed, but they are not light bearers. A microwave oven can heat something until it is so agitated and heated that flame bursts forth with light, but the microwave does not itself bear light.
Could it be that light was involved in the creation of the matter which we now are observing bursting forth flames of light? Could it be that the light that once participated in the birth and growth of the wood which now bursts forth as light and heat?
Remember, at one time there was no thing, no space and no time. There was the pre-time force of moving stillness. This pre-time force orbiting around the still center, like the winds of a hurricane, would by Divine command begin to move faster and faster.
This ether wind, still pre-time, reached incomprehensible speed and when it reached a certain critical velocity, eddies or whirlpools of swirling pre-time force begin to gain permanence as they lag in the faster moving time stream. This lagging effect results in space (as the time wind goes forth beyond the lagging primitive matter, as well as time and gravity in the moving ether wind.
Each eddy continued to spin and as it did so, it acquired a little pseudo mass (like a gyroscope) and perhaps already an electrical field.
It is interesting to note that a magnetic field is said to create electrical eddies in a plate positioned within the field. And these eddies bear witness to something like how the creation of whirlwind loci of matter may have occurred.
Also note that these electrical eddies on the surface of a plate in the magnetic field may resist the field, which is the operative principle in the electromagnetic brakes for trains and for roller coaster cars. This resistance may be analogous to the magneto-electrical creation of strong and weak forces, as well as gravity where steady state acceleration somehow transforms into regular gravity in the creation event.
This swirling mass created an electric field which now resisted the speed of the pre time wind. The whirlpool lagged behind in the river of time, thus bringing into existence time and space.
As you can see, this whirlpool is energy, the energy of the pre-time force, now with motion in time and space and with a whirling electrical field. It is now something. And this small primitive "something" is the smallest matter, it is electromagnetic force and it is light.
Light is the first, smallest and lightest matter in the material creation. As such it is the progenitor of all the rest. This feather light photon of light is a spinning whirling electrical ephemeral thing which by Divine command will acquire charge, and lump together to form tiny entities that will form electrons, protons, quarks and other specific entities which are the substance of atoms.
Light is visible because God wants us to see it. He wants us to see His creation, and to marvel and stand in awe of the Creator Whose handiwork is exquisitely beautiful. It is for this reason that he permits light to escape from matter in certain circumstances (such as when it is heated).
Believe it or not, you are actually seeing the first created substance, the first physical manifestation of the pre-time dark force and by it you also behold what the Creator wrought.
If electricity can heat matter to a point where light energy escapes, then light can also make electricity, which in fact we see in the photovoltaic effect. Solar light makes solar power; and solar light makes heat (such as when you focus light with a magnifying glass and cause a piece of paper to catch on fire), and from that fiery heat comes light again. Matter becomes energy and energy becomes matter.
Remember, sheer light is very close to being pure energy, though it does have a corpuscular aspect. Nevertheless, it is such an ethereal thing carrying energy on a wave. It is the time wind or ether in which the perturberance produces a wave. This wave may carry light across the room from your living room lamp, millions of miles from the sun to earth to make glorious your roses, or across vast interstellar space from far away galaxies to light your nightime sky with millions of twinkling stars.
Each color has its own frequency, and like the other phenomena on the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher the frequency the more the energy.
Frequency determines energy. And so it is that the Creator permits us to see energy in the form of color.
The very basics of matter and energy--the luminferous ether, geometric waves, and scintillating matter of the most exquisite smallness--are thus made visible to us in light of various colors.
Light is illumination and warmth; and it is also creative in a most subtle way, by permitting the receptive object of its affection to co-create with it. The dazzling diamond sparkles by reflecting and refracting light. Is it the diamond that sparkles or is it the light?
And the rose bush absorbs the light of the sun to make its beautiful roses for us to appreciate. Is it the rose or the light that creates the glorious splendour for us to behold?
Is it not both? Each a facet of the Creator's genius, and each needs the other to make the marvellous spectacle that the Creator had in mind, so that we might take delight and also be mindful of Him.
Light itself is bright when it is emitted or reflected, and it is warm when it is absorbed.
Light is both to see and to be seen. It illuminates everything, and yet light itself is shrouded in mystery. It makes things comprehensible but it defies comprehension. Much of the workings of the Creator's magic are hidden from view. But light is His personal creative tool made manifest, and done so that we may see not only it but also the creation which it illuminates and warms.
By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Hebrews 11:3
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. Genesis 1
To whom will ye liken me, and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be like?
. . . .
I am God, and there is none like me,
Declaring the end from the beginning,
and from ancient times the things
that are not yet done . . . Isaiah 46
We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.
No, we speak of God’s secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.
None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. . . . .but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.
The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. . . . .For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. . . .
“For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?” 1 Corinthians 2
Einstein's Theory of Invariance!
"For the record, Einstein's Theory of Relativity does not uphold moral relativism. If anything, the theory is an expression of absolutism: the speed of light is absolute and invariant, i.e., the same for all observers." (webmaster, the Augustine Club, Columbia University 2002)
As distinguished physicist and Templeton Prize winner Stanley Jaki pointed out in his lecture The Absolute Beneath the Relative: Reflections on Einstein's Theories, the choice of the word "relative" for the Theory of Relativity is one of the most unfortunate in the history of physics.
Einstein was actually looking for (and found) the constant, the universal, the absolute and the invariant. He didn't find the relative--he found the universal that is behind and applies in any relative frame of reference.
One of his guiding principles was that the laws of physics must be the same in all frames of reference. Likewise, the speed of light is a constant, when viewed from any frame of reference (first in all inertial frames, and then extended in the General Theory of Relativity to frames of reference involving acceleration too).
In other words, the laws of physics are constant and the speed of light is a constant regardless of the viewpoint of the observer.
If those laws retained their original form, regardless of the frame to which they were related, it is only because they reflected an objective, invariant, absolute cosmic order and reality. . . . Indeed Einstein himself suggested that Special Relativity should have been called the
theory of invariance.
Similarly, he theorized the equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass. Again, an absolute and universal law.
Per Dr. Jaki, Einstein was very interested in electrodynamics when he was young, and throughout his life. He felt that physics would ultimately return to "the program which may properly be called as the Maxwellian--namely the description of physical reality in terms of fields, which satisfy partial differential equations without singularities."
The singularities here refers to particles in the Newtonian sense, says Jaki. Not that Einstein was denying the role of corpuscular discontinuous matter, useful for specifying constants and boundaries in particular cases. )In fact, his first March paper in 1905 concerning the dispersion and absorption of light showed, using what he knew about the behavior of gases and applying statistical physics, that light is also a particle/photon).
But what he meant is that Maxwell's equations are only safeguarded if a universal speed of light, invariant in all frames of reference, is postulated.
Just for review, Einstein derived all his work from two simple postulates:
1. The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames.
2. The speed of light is a constant in all inertial frames.
On the face of it, says Professor Jaki, the theory of general relativity is a further exercise in further relativization. The impossibility of specifying any frame of reference as privileged over any other involving constant velocity is extended to include acceleration.
The three classic observational consequences of general relativity: the bending of light, the precession of the perihelion of Mercury, and gravitational redshift actually also imply equivalence and unification, namely
the equivalence of gravitational and inertial masses.
The beauty of the power and and sheer simplicity of this principle is breath taking (my sentiments).
Read Rev. Jaki Stanley's entire lecture here in pdf The Intercollegiate Review spring/summer 1985
Read in nonpdf at http://www.columbia.edu/cu/augustine/arch/jaki/absolute.htm
Rev. Jaki Doctorate in Systematic Theology, Rome, Istituto Pontificio di S. Anselmo, 1950,
PhD (Physics, Fordham University, 1957) was distinguished professor at Seton Hall and the author of many books on physics and cosmology. read more
As distinguished physicist and Templeton Prize winner Stanley Jaki pointed out in his lecture The Absolute Beneath the Relative: Reflections on Einstein's Theories, the choice of the word "relative" for the Theory of Relativity is one of the most unfortunate in the history of physics.
Einstein was actually looking for (and found) the constant, the universal, the absolute and the invariant. He didn't find the relative--he found the universal that is behind and applies in any relative frame of reference.
One of his guiding principles was that the laws of physics must be the same in all frames of reference. Likewise, the speed of light is a constant, when viewed from any frame of reference (first in all inertial frames, and then extended in the General Theory of Relativity to frames of reference involving acceleration too).
In other words, the laws of physics are constant and the speed of light is a constant regardless of the viewpoint of the observer.
If those laws retained their original form, regardless of the frame to which they were related, it is only because they reflected an objective, invariant, absolute cosmic order and reality. . . . Indeed Einstein himself suggested that Special Relativity should have been called the
theory of invariance.
Similarly, he theorized the equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass. Again, an absolute and universal law.
Per Dr. Jaki, Einstein was very interested in electrodynamics when he was young, and throughout his life. He felt that physics would ultimately return to "the program which may properly be called as the Maxwellian--namely the description of physical reality in terms of fields, which satisfy partial differential equations without singularities."
The singularities here refers to particles in the Newtonian sense, says Jaki. Not that Einstein was denying the role of corpuscular discontinuous matter, useful for specifying constants and boundaries in particular cases. )In fact, his first March paper in 1905 concerning the dispersion and absorption of light showed, using what he knew about the behavior of gases and applying statistical physics, that light is also a particle/photon).
But what he meant is that Maxwell's equations are only safeguarded if a universal speed of light, invariant in all frames of reference, is postulated.
Just for review, Einstein derived all his work from two simple postulates:
1. The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames.
2. The speed of light is a constant in all inertial frames.
On the face of it, says Professor Jaki, the theory of general relativity is a further exercise in further relativization. The impossibility of specifying any frame of reference as privileged over any other involving constant velocity is extended to include acceleration.
The three classic observational consequences of general relativity: the bending of light, the precession of the perihelion of Mercury, and gravitational redshift actually also imply equivalence and unification, namely
the equivalence of gravitational and inertial masses.
The beauty of the power and and sheer simplicity of this principle is breath taking (my sentiments).
Read Rev. Jaki Stanley's entire lecture here in pdf The Intercollegiate Review spring/summer 1985
Read in nonpdf at http://www.columbia.edu/cu/augustine/arch/jaki/absolute.htm
Rev. Jaki Doctorate in Systematic Theology, Rome, Istituto Pontificio di S. Anselmo, 1950,
PhD (Physics, Fordham University, 1957) was distinguished professor at Seton Hall and the author of many books on physics and cosmology. read more
Could Dark Energy and Dark Matter be Evidence of the Ether Field?
I'm in the process of reading a very nice book called In Search of Dark Matter by Ken Freeman and Geoff McNamara.
They make the point, as does the NASA website, that 70% of the universe is dark energy and 25 % is dark matter. Less than 5% is everything else (including all the planets and stars).
The authors of the book also point out that the movement of the stars and galaxies shows a mysterious gravitational influence, as if there were mysterious currents of gravity that subtly affect the movement of the heavens.
Einstein himself had something to say on the subject, as quoted in this brief quote from the NASA Astrophysics web page
"One explanation for dark energy is that it is a property of space. Albert Einstein was the first person to realize that empty space is not nothing. Space has amazing properties, many of which are just beginning to be understood. The first property that Einstein discovered is that it is possible for more space to come into existence. Then one version of Einstein's gravity theory, the version that contains a cosmological constant, makes a second prediction: "empty space" can possess its own energy. Because this energy is a property of space itself, it would not be diluted as space expands. As more space comes into existence, more of this energy-of-space would appear. As a result, this form of energy would cause the Universe to expand faster and faster. Unfortunately, no one understands why the cosmological constant should even be there, much less why it would have exactly the right value to cause the observed acceleration of the Universe. "
Every time I read the work of any thoughtful theoretical physicist or astrophysicist I am astonished by how it is obvious to me--it just leaps right off the page--that we live in the mother field, the pre-time time wind, which is the creative and sustaining ground of our universe's sustenance and the source of its astrogenesis. Faraday and Maxwell called it the ether. Their only mistake was that they thought it was of the material realm. It is, in fact, of the timeless realm.
In describing the Newtonian physicists' idea concept of the ether, Theoretical Physicist Dr. Michio Kaku, in his book Einstein's Cosmos, said that "the aether was supposed to be the absolute reference frame upon which one could measure all velocities. . . . With time, the aether became almost a mystical substance: it was absolutely stationary, weightless, invisible, with zero viscosity, yet stronger than steel and undetectable by any instrument."
Actually, they were very close. The ether is relatively motionless, it is a reasonably good invariant reference frame for physical reality, because it is pre-time and still as far as the ever moving creation, composed of myriad relative motions is concerned. The luminiferous ether is also not the ultimate reference, being subordinate to the Prime Mover.
It is not a material substance, however. It is timeless and like whirlwind of force from which comes matter to be, then primitive matter, time, and space. It is the inertial reference frame for time, and that is why the speed of light is a speed limit and invariant in all reference frames. Light is measured against the true timeless "stillness" of the pre-time force.
The universe began not with a bang but with a mighty whoosh, as the pre-time force began to circulate around the creation center. It gained speed until it was many times the speed of light, and at a certain critical point, primitive mass particles or energy particles began to swirl like little eddies or whirlpools, each being both a wave and like the water's inflow or sink in a swimming becomes like a something casting a show below itself.
The swirling primitive matter acquires gyroscopic and centrifugal force, and from it will come magnetism and electrostatic force. as the time wind envelopes the mass, you have gravity, the bending of the time space field.
I don't have the time in this blog to continue describing the unfolding of things, but I just need to say that when matter and energy come into existence, you then have time and space. The matter lags behind in the river of the ether, creating waves, and as the ether wind moves on you have distance. The ether field, or the pre-time wind, is of the timeless dimension, just on the other side of matter, just before the event horizon of the creation moments. From timelessness came time, energy, gravity, and measurement. "You have arranged all things by measure and number and weight," (Wisdom 11:20).
Creation continues at this very moment. We feel the time wind (which is timeless and pre-time) moving past us. The moving time wind is what we feel as the passage of time. And we sense the presence of the mother field as gravity, pressing you into your seat as you read this sentence.
You cannot measure the timeless source of time and gravity. But you can sense the movement of time, in comparison with the still timeless present.
I need not conjecture, because what is clear to me rises to the level of postulates.
God expressed Himself and created the universe out of nothing (ex nihilo). ^1
Creation proceeded from a pre-time moving stillness, moving near the center of creation, that had not yet acquired the speed for matter to begin coalescing and then clumping.
Matter is still being created (contradicting the law of conservation of matter)
Gravity is a property of the field, not the object.
Gravity pushes (and envelopes). It is not a property of matter.
Magnetism and gravity are the same thing. Magnetism is localized gravity. Magnetism is a more intimate relationship between the field, matter, and the influence of matter on other matter. Voltage (electrostatic field) is evidence of the creative force of the ether, and is akin to magnetism.
Dark energy is evidence of the pre-time ether which fills the entire universe, perhaps of its creative force in the material realm, expressed in terms of electric plasma or pre plasma.
Dark matter is matter to be - the process of creation where primitive matter is being formed at the edge of pre-time wind.
To me it is all clear and it only remains for physicists to see what they themselves have written! Space is not a void. Maxwell and Faraday were right. And so was the good Dr. Einstein when he intuitively added his cosmological constant.
Einstein was unbudgeable (good natured inflexibility as Emerson calls it). And his ideas were not immediately accepted and many were not even proven until decades later.
Did I think up or make up any of the postulates and conjectures I am sure about. For me it was easy, I am not afraid to stand on the shoulders of giants.
Someone else said it and now I just see it. And so I just say what I see. Time and time again, I read what is as plain as the nose on your face in the writings of physicists, and yet they miss it. Perhaps they are just afraid to grasp with firm conviction what they sense.
Ralph Waldo Emerson put it this way:
"To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men,--that is genius. Speak your latent conviction, and it shall be the universal sense; for the inmost in due time becomes the outmost,--and our first thought is rendered back to us by the trumpets of the Last Judgment. Familiar as the voice of the mind is to each, the highest merit we ascribe to Moses, Plato, and Milton is that they set at naught books and traditions, and spoke not what men, but what they thought.
A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it is his.
In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts: they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty. Great works of art have no more affecting lesson for us than this. They teach us to abide by our spontaneous impression with good-humored inflexibility then most when the whole Cry of voices is on the other side.
Else, to-morrow a stranger will say with masterly good sense precisely what we have thought and felt all the time, and we shall be forced to take with shame our own opinion from another. " From Self Reliance
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.
Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day” and the darkness “night.”
O heavenly Father, You have filled the world with beauty
and provided for us in abundance.
Open our eyes to behold Your gracious hand in all Your works;
that, rejoicing in Your whole creation, we may learn to serve
You with gladness. The Book of Common Prayer
1. He created pre-time moving stillness circumorbiting the creation event still center. God willed the pre-time wind to gain force and moving faster and faster, the omnidirectional moving stillness grew until at the periphery (circumference), a critical point was reached where swirling whirlwinds of pre-time force gained wave density (like the inward spin of water going into a drain or the angular spin of air in the vertical column vortex of a twister).
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